At Nivi, we believe in the transformative power of technology to address some of the most pressing challenges in healthcare. Our latest endeavour, in collaboration with the University of Lagos and with support from USAID and DAI Global under the Digital Frontiers Equitable AI initiative, underscores our commitment to leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) for social good. We are excited to share our new research on gender-equitable healthcare accessibility in Northern Nigeria, a project that aligns with our mission to improve healthcare access through innovation.
The research paper, titled "Data on Gender-Equitable Healthcare Accessibility in Northern Nigeria", and published in the peer-reviewed journal Data in Brief, is the result of a collaboration between Nivi's technological expertise and the academic prowess of the University of Lagos. Spearheaded by Nivi's CTO, David Tresner-Kirsch, and distinguished academics from the University of Lagos Chika Yinka-Banjo, Mary Akinyemi, and Olasupo Ajayi, this collaboration underlines the power of united efforts in generating significant public health advancements.
Methodology and Insights
The research offers an in-depth analysis derived from data across approximately 500 locations and 4700 participants that were engaged through askNivi using questionnaires in English and Hausa. This methodological choice to use WhatsApp not only surpassed traditional barriers of communication but also ensured the safe and private participation of women, a demographic marginalised in the region. The significant participation of women in this research despite societal constraints is a testament to the potential of technology in creating inclusive spaces for otherwise isolated and disenfranchised populations. The findings of the research pave the way for leveraging digital platforms like askNivi to enhance health awareness, drive referrals into the healthcare system, and facilitate behavior change for improved health outcomes.
Impact and Future Directions
This research is a step towards our mission of empowering individuals with the knowledge and resources needed for informed health decisions and promoting healthcare equity across diverse populations. We keep forging ahead with our partners and projects, focussing on utilising digital health innovations to make everyone's health aspirations a reality.
Join Us on This Journey
Eager to see how Nivi's insights can revolutionise healthcare accessibility in your programs, or curious about Nivi's digital health AI solutions? Reach out through our website's Contact us form or write to us on sales@nivi.io
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